Where Does Blood End Up?

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We know that this might be a slightly gruesome introduction, but blood really does end up everywhere. Its uses are far reaching and has numerous benefits. Obviously, one of the most common uses for blood is life saving transfusions. According to the NHS Blood Transfusion Service, in 2014:

  • 67% was used to treat medical conditions including anaemia, cancer and blood disorders
  • 27% was used in surgery, including cardiac surgery and emergency surgery
  • 6% was used to treat blood loss after childbirth

However, this is far from the only place people use blood.

A few years ago, an architectural student found that, after being treated with various chemicals, blood can be used to make bricks. After adding an anticoagulant and some antibacterial chemicals, after being mixed with sand and baked for an hour the blood thickens, harden and produces a perfectly functional brick. He postulated that this could be a replacement for mud bricks in developing countries in which sand is plentiful and cattle blood is often wasted.

Maybe not human blood, but the Horseshoe Crab has some very interesting blood. One aspect is that it is bright blue – the other is that is has the ability to bind to, and clot any bacterial cells it comes up against, rendering them ineffective. Scientists are currently trying to find a way to replicate this synthetically so it can be used to treat people safely.

The use for blood in aesthetic treatments is also on the rise. A large number of beauty clinics are beginning to offer what are known as ‘vampire facials’. during a vampire facial you have your blood taken, before being span in a centrifugal device which separates the PRP (platelet rich plasma). This PRP is full of growth cells and is then injected back into your skin, rejuvenating it.

A similar process is also used in dentistry, when the PRP is inject post treatment/surgery in order to speed up the recovery process, especially in aging patients.

Of course, to be able to draw the blood in the first instance requires phlebotomy skills. Thankfully, Phlebotomy training services offer a range of corporate training courses, in which we can teach staff how to safely and effectively withdraw blood from patients and clients.

To find out more about our corporate courses just call us on 01609 751 610 or contact us here.